• RX/TX : 144-146 MHz -- 430-440 MHz (a richiesta, solo per EXPORT EXTRA UE 136-174/400-490 mhz)
  • 20W UHF - 25W VHF

Ultracompatto, ultraleggero (solo 480 grammi)

Qui il manuale

Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 136-174 / 400-470 MHz
Tuning steps: 2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 KHz
Mode: FM/NFM
Channels/memory management: 200 or 250 regular (depending on version)
Repeater shift/offset: ±?
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain/power consumption: RX: ? mA
TX: Max 5 A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohms / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 124*39*163 mm (4.88*1.54*6.42")
Weight: 640 g (1.41 lbs)
Other features: CTCSS/PL, DCS.
Receiver system: ? conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: ? MHz
2nd IF: ? KHz
Sensitivity: FM: 0.25 uV (12 dB SINAD)
NFM: 0.35 uV (12 dB SINAD)
Image rejection:  
AF output power/speaker: 2 W at ?% distortion / 8 ohms
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm
RF output power:
2 m Hi: 25 W, Mid: 15 W, Lo: 5 W
70 cm Hi: 25 W, Mid: 15 W, Lo: 5 W
Modulation system:  
FM deviation: FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Less than -60 dB
Microphone impedance/connector: ? ohms / ?-pin (modular)
Manufactured: China, 2017-201x


Mode FM ( Wide/Narrow )
Frequency range RX/TX : 144-146 MHz / 430-440 MHz (Exp 136-174 MHz / 400-490 MHz)
Power LOW : 5W / MIDDLE : 15W / HIGHT : 25W VHF -- 20W UHF(large cooling box)
Input voltage 13,8V DC
Memories 200 channels
Channel spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 KHz
Step of increment 2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 KHz
Working UU / UV / VU / VV
RELAY MOD / OFFSET Yes : allows to enter a relay with two different frequency
TONE BURST Yes : 1000Hz / 1450Hz / 1750Hz / 2100Hz
CTCSS / DCS (encoder/decoder) 52 CTCSS / 1024 DCS : sub-audio code to activate repeater like selective tone
DTMF (encoder) Yes : tones selected to activate repeater, internet gateway and other items
DOUBLE WATCH function Yes
TOT function Yes : time out timer
CTCSS / DCS SCAN function Yes
SCAN function Yes : automatic search of busy channels
REVERSE function Yes : the current channel RX frequency will be switched to TX frequency
TALK AROUND function Yes : switch RX/TX frequencies and CTCSS/DCS code to avoid using repetear
Various functions Possibility to lock the start by code (default code 123456)
Bonus Backlit keys + Jack plug for external loud speaker + 6 functions keys PF1 to PF6 with 3 functions each + menu order can be personalized
Mike With speaker incorpored and programmable keys
Display Large color multifunction TFT display adjustable to 180 °
Level display RX signal + TX power + channel number or frequency + various functions ...
Options Programming cable + software
Programmable by software Yes
Size 122 (l) x 165 (L) x 35 (H) mm
Weight 480 gr
Guaranty 2 years
Scarica questo file (crt_micronuv_manual.pdf)crt_micronuv_manual.pdf2884 kB

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